The Art of Zen

I have a friend which I won’t mention that at every turn that appears to like riling people up. At every turn it is of no doubt that they will produce a counterpoint and then see what the reaction would be….continuing to respond until they get a debate going. Don’t feed the flames and eventually they start to complain to say that people are dumb and don’t like to discuss things. In actual fact, I think people just can’t be bothered to talk about anything. Sometimes I think its ok to discuss things but to constantly debate things for the sake of debating it can be exasperating.

I have another friend who at every turn has something negative to say about everything. They have a negative attitude to everything. When I bring up anything that can be positive they have a knack to turn the whole thing around and taint it. I feel that is a terrible and sad way to look at life and treat others.

A good and close friend did say to me that there are always going to be people that are going to be like that throughout life and it’s a matter of how one deals with it. For me that is the Art of Zen. Being able to handle others peacefully and calmly without being affected in a large manner.

Set to go

After working quite solidly over the last two weeks to get our two servers back up and running, I have to admit that the Linux installation was so much easier…but bearing in mind the Linux install had very litte requirements. More to come.


Well after much consideration I have decided that I will make a comeback to blogging and make a few posts here and there. The last time that I came back I found Movable Type too cumbersome and I was finding that the comment spam was getting in the way….way too much for me to handle. It was becoming more of a burden than anything else. Its late now so I won’t say much except to say its good to be back and you are bound to hear a lot from me soon.