Fulfilled weekend

So this weekend was a fulfilled one. My parents came from Hamilton on the 1st January to spend new years here as I was not heading up to Hamilton for Christmas. When my parents travel they like to bring everything with them. Just check out the photo below:

Family luggage

LuggageThat day was the last day that I had off so I didn’t have that much of a time spent with them  at night as I always have a early start the next day. I had arranged prior to meet up with my cousin who lives in Wellington now to meet up with him the next day so straight after work I took a ride home with him and his fiance back to our place. We had a great dinner and we caught  up talking about what everyone is up to. All in all it was a great night. Mum in her usual demeanour made a lot of food which was enjoyed by all. It was great meeting up with my cousin and fiance and we had a lot of fun. Some photos are below:

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On Saturday I had arranged to go to Yum Char with my old team leader and we met up with them.We had a great time. Its a pity that I didn’t manage to take any photos.

Back once more

So this time I really am going to make a conceited effort to start blogging again. There have been many a time that I thought I would take up the keyboard and start writing again but I never really got a proper understanding as to how I will structure my blog.

I write a lot of pieces about a lot of things. Some technical, some blogs about me but I felt that every single time I posted about different topics in the same feed it got too confusing. So this time around I have split it up into different sections.

I really like how I have set it up. I think it requires a bit more explanation on the front page but the main thing is that I am happy with it. Now every time I post about specific areas they will be focused on that topic and nothing more.

I promise I will write more. I have signed up weiyentan.com for another 5 years so you are going to be with me for a while yet.

Some photos of Wellington

Well I have to say that my wireless card is back to normal and everything is working. I am certainly glad that it is because it was driving me insane. We are getting really busy at work, and I think that they are going to get more people shortly. Hopefully, we would be able to alleiviate the problem.

I have included some photos of Wellington, some of the landscapes and such, because I thought it might be quite a sight looking at it all. So without further adeiu here is some photos of Wellington on my flickr set.

New Years Day

New Years Day. An ushering out of the old year and to welcome in the new. That is what it is like with 2008. New Years Eve is kind of special for me because the 31st of December is also my birthday. So it couples up really. New Years Eve was spent at the mini golf range with my folks and brother with his girlfriend. On the 3rd of January heading to Whangamata. Its a beach resort where we can also fish. 5 days of relaxation I guess that is something that I need to get away from it all. Pictures can be foundhere

Chih has kindly put me onto Entourage, a TV series that follows the life of Vincent Chase a rising superstar in Hollywood with his Entourage. Coupled with his manager Ari Gold, it shows one person making their way through Hollywood. I thoroughly enjoy it, and admist the hilarity and innuendos there is some inspiration.